Martial Dance with Martin Robinson


A stationary human body can speak volumes. The human body can express motion in limitless possibilities. The combination of different dance styles combined with martial arts is fascinating and creating beautiful momentum of the mix moves. These moves are derived from martial arts Wushu Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Karate Wado-Ryu, Capoeira, as well as Contemporary dance, Ballet, Jazz, Reggae, Breakdance and African dance.

Martial Dance Performace

dance with meDance with me.

Martial Dance is a specific contact technique and framework that I teach, sharing some of the things that I have learned out of explorations in martial arts, specifically Kung Fu and Karate. 

The basic premise of the frame is to practice self-awareness, continuous physical listening, keeping healthy physical integrity in dynamic contexts, studying relationship of intention to dysfunctional attachment (hyper reactivity and evacuation), practicing awareness of the fundamental reality of lack of control in which we have influence over events, but never control of them.  

The martial side of the work gives a kind of “testing framework” that more rigorously and sensitively challenges us to develop as aware humans.

dance with meDance with me.

The fully developed framework is incredibly open, with a modulation of intention narrowness and attachment in a context of adaptive physical listening.

We play in contact with each other, working with specific intentions that create movement relative to each other and manipulation of each other. Dancers are in one moment simply listening to the other’s structure in motion or one’s own movement.